About whole sky yoga
Whole Sky Yoga (WSY) was founded under the guiding principle that yoga should be accessible to all seekers. At our beautiful studio in Stone Ridge, NY, we provide a non-judgmental, inclusive space for self-exploration and personal development. We offer a diverse range of yoga and wellness classes, workshops, and community gatherings, as well as a comprehensive Yoga Alliance-approved teacher training .
We aim to foster a welcoming and nurturing environment, which allows our students to deeply connect with their yoga practice and community. We honor yogic roots through our offerings, teachings, physical space, marketing, and business practices.
Whole Sky is a community space that is stewarded by Anne Girvin.
A note from Annie
For as long as I can remember, the sheer beauty of the sky itself has been enough to keep me captivated. As I child, I used to lay in a hammock and stare into the stars in deep contemplation about how expansive the universe was and how much there was out there that we don't know. Deep down, I knew there was “something more”, and I became a lifelong seeker. I found yoga in my early 20s, but really dove into the practice in my 30s when I discovered the vastness of the practice. I also began to relate all the celestial bodies in new ways, viewing the sun and moon as they related to larger concepts of light and darkness, warmth and coolness, giving and receiving.
When the Sanskrit word, “Hatha”, is broken down into syllables, “Ha” means “Sun”, and “Tha” means “Moon”.
By widening our view of the world around us, we can see all the seemingly opposing forces that exist to create balance and harmony. With our yoga practice and our life journey, we are ultimately seeking to bring balance to these forces within ourselves and externally.
The shadows of nighttime are welcome aids to our circadian rhythms, but to live only in darkness would be awfully depressing. Sunlight perks us up, elevates our moods, and helps plants grow, although too much of it can burn our skin or dry out the soil. Our bodies, like everything else in nature, need balance and equilibrium.
We are all complex beings in need of a variety of experiences to help us live up to our fullest potential. Within each of us, there is a space where the sunset meets the ocean. Where the sunrise meets the mountains. Where the stars peek through between the treetops in every lush, dense forest. Within each of our glorious beings, there is a Whole Sky.
Thank you for sharing your light with me,
- Annie